Journal Junkie – Awesome Life

Awesome Life

Alrighty, bugs! I’m super excited about this one! Bear with me, as this post may include things such as virtual high-pitched-girly-squeels of excitement, seemingly never-ending rambles of my newest art adventure, and a way-more-detailed version of what has been going on in my life than you probably care to hear. Let’s get started – yay!

So my lovely mother (who loves art just as much as I do) and I recently discovered Joanne Sharpe’s online art classes, and we are admittedly in love with them. We signed up for our first class over break and started it together, having daily afternoon mother-daughter-art time, it was quite awesome. Since then I have obviously migrated back to Montana, so now we complete our projects separately and constantly send each other pictures of our most recent creations so we can tell each other how cool they are, and occasionally judge each other when we make funny decisions regarding our art.

One of the classes we are working on is called “Draw your Awesome Life”, and it truly is awesome. If you are interested in looking at this class (or any of her classes, because they are all super cool with knobs), just head over to Joanne’s website – which can be found here;

One of the projects in this class consists of what Joanne calls “life grids”, and I had so much fun with this! It’s basically a week-long calendar where you can illustrate what you did each day of the week and make 7 little tiny pieces of art, combined into one super colorful and equally as exciting journal spread! At first I was afraid that I wouldn’t have something to say every day of the week, but I quickly realized that no matter how boring I may think my life is at times (due to school consuming my life and whatnot), it often isn’t. Each day I had something I was excited about or at least felt was mentionable (for example, I was not particularly thrilled about my speech on Thursday, but it was worth mentioning). Every day or two I would add whatever days had happened since I last drew, just by simply drawing out a little illustration in a box. At the end of the week I broke out the water colors and went COLOR CRAZY *insert high-pitched-girly-squeels of excitement here*.

Something funny about this that I would like to point out is that most of my represented events have to do with either fitness or unhealthy food. Such as weight training, running, swimming, pizza, and a Valentine’s Day cake. And of course with some art supplies and classes thrown in there. Clearly my interests are a bit eclectic. But you guys love me anyway, right? Right.

So now I would like to tell you a bit about my week and elaborate some on my recently mentioned events. Because, well, this is my blog and I feel like talking about my life.  First of all, let me bring your attention to my Wednesday event; “New fastest mile time”. While 8:22 definitely isn’t the best time out there, my previous fastest time was 9:01, so this was a huge accomplishment. And not only this, but the day I got my new 8:22 time I actually went for a 2 mile run, and BOTH miles were each under the 9 minute mark. Strangely enough, my second mile was about 25 seconds FASTER than my first. I was really stressed that day, so what I have learned from this experience is that I run significantly faster when I am stressed. (Note to self: next time my little world is about to implode in on me, zip outside and run like the wind! But grab your stopwatch first, so that you know if you have miraculously ran a mile in 2 minutes flat.)

Also, you might notice that Monday was “Arm Day” in my weight class. This experience taught me something as well; my arms are rather pitiful. I should fix this. I have never been a weight training person until I signed up for this class this semester (because I’m that weirdo who sees “womens weight training” on the class list and thinks “hey, that sounds fun!” even though I really knew nothing about weight training at the time). I have always been pretty active, especially since I got to college and joined the triathlon team and whatnot, but most of my activities are things such as running that don’t really involve much arm bulkage. So my first arm day at the gym was a bit of a challenge. However, my partner wasn’t feeling too impressed with her arms either, so we got to be wimpy-armed buddies. Which in a weird way, made it a lot better.

You may also notice that I got new calligraphy pens this week! One of my other Joanne classes uses these and I originally just got 4 basic colors of them because I wasn’t sure what I would think of them. But now I’m in love with them so I ordered 10 more. Happy early birthday to me! (Laney-attempts at calligraphy coming soon to a blog near you)

Also, yesterday was Valentines Day! So as my journal says, Happy Valentines Day bugs! (alright, maybe I added the “bugs” part to the end of that) I hope you all had great Valentine’s Days with your loved ones, whether this implies your significant other, your family, your pets, or anyone else that makes you happy. Or maybe you’re one of those crazy people like me who is partaking in a long-distance relationship and spent the evening skyping with your boyfriend while eating brownies with your roommate, who is also one of those crazy people who is partaking in a long-distance relationship so she understands and you both have a mutual need for brownie on Valentine’s Day. Whatever you did, I hope you had a fantastic day!

Well, I’ll stop rambling now. I’m loving this new art journal process though, so be prepared for more posts from my cute little journal!

Until next time,

Laney-Bug ❤

(Medium: micron pen, koi water color)

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