

Hello bugs! Long time no write, huh? Well I sincerely apologize for that.  It seems that college is a bit of a time-consumer, especially with finals coming up so soon. I can’t believe that my first semester of college is almost done! With that being said, today’s post is actually about just that; my first semester of college. Well, in a way.

One of my classes this semester basically consisted of looking at different forms of self-expression. We especially looked at the aspect of “place” a lot, and how much place can define you, your life, your daily routine, etc. For our final project we were instructed to choose 2 forms of self-expression to describe our first semester of college, particularly relating to place. The center of campus is referred to as “the oval”, and pretty much every building you ever have to find is found right along it, or at least branching off of it nearby. With that in mind, I decided that for my first form of self-expression, I would draw a map of the oval, since I spend pretty much all of my time in its general vicinity. The second part of my project was a poem I wrote that basically depicts a typical day for me on campus. So I drew my map, wrote my poem, and with the help of my roommate (who knows how to work a computer much better than I do), put them on top of one another for the final product. Oh, and I also have to write a “reflection paper” about creating it. Though that part doesn’t sound nearly as fun so I’m trying not to think about it for the moment.

Now keep in mind that I would most definitely not call myself a “poet”. I have written poems from time to time, but they are typically Dr.Seuss-style. I think I’m literally incapable of writing a poem that doesn’t rhyme.  Though despite my seussian ways, I do have fun with it when I do have the opportunity to write, and I am completely okay with my funny little rhymes. Poetry just isn’t my usual choice- If I am given a pen and paper I am much more likely to sketch than I am to write, as you’ve probably noticed from the whole artsy-fartsy thing I’ve got goin’ on.

As for my map, I had a lot of fun with it. The coloring wasn’t all that exciting since there are only about 5 colors involved, but buildings and grass just typically aren’t bright neon colors like they would be in my perfect world. My map was drawn in a bit of a strange way – It is a bird’s eye view in terms of the placement of buildings, but I drew each of the buildings as if you were looking at them from standing in the middle of the oval. The top view of the buildings simply didn’t look very interesting to me, so I improvised – and I’m glad I did, I think they are more recognizable this way and I overall like how they turned out.

Well, pretty short post today, and now it’s back to studying for me! Though my breaks for studying typically consist of some sort of art project so you’ll probably hear back from me at least once or twice before the dreaded finals finally arrive. And over winter break I will be doing lots of art since I will actually have time for things other than Calculus and Biology. Plus, if Santa got my letter, I will hopefully be getting more art supplies pretty soon, which of course will result in a week or two of nonstop art. Yay!

Happy arting, bugs! 🙂


Laney-Bug ❤

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