Running in the Rain

Hey Bugs! Happy Weekend!

First of all I would like to say that I was half tempted to write a rant about my pretty crappy week, but recognizing that my last blog post was all about being sick I decided to tend towards a more uplifting post today. I will say though that I did have a pretty crappy week, but I say this because knowing that will make what I’m about to say much more meaningful. As I’ve mentioned before, I had a fantastic weekend last weekend, but I started off my week following it on a pretty bad note; I woke up sick Monday morning. It wasn’t really until Thursday that I had my normal energy level back again, and on top of feeling like death, homework seems to have the tendency to pile up like crazy lately. I have a paper and 3 tests coming up pretty quickly, and my week has pretty much consisted of homework and nothing else. Some other crappy things happened too that I won’t get into since this is supposed to be an uplifting post, but just know that it was not the best week. So with that, let’s get to the happy part shall we?

Well this afternoon my outlook on life picked up a little bit. I had just done 3 hours of calculus homework, and knowing that I needed to take a break before my brain exploded, I decided to go for a run.

Now usually when I go for a run I think to look outside beforehand to make a note of the weather but for some reason I didn’t think to today. Too much on my mind I guess. Anyway, I changed into my running attire, grabbed a water bottle and some tunes and headed outside.

As soon as I walked outside I realized something… it was raining. Not pouring down buckets or anything crazy like that, but sprinkling a good bit. How did I miss that? One wall of my dorm room is practically just one giant window so you would think that I would have noticed the water falling from the sky. But for some reason I didn’t.

For a split second I contemplated going back inside, just watching a youtube video or reading a chapter of a book as my break instead. But then I realized something – running in the rain actually sounded wonderful.

I’m not really sure why. I’ve never run in the rain before. But for some reason it seemed like it might be… refreshing I guess. So, questioning my judgement and sanity, I started moving my feet. And the farther I went, the faster I got, and the more my mind wandered away from the troubles of the world.

Running has always been a stress-relief for me, but usually I tend to stay inside when it’s raining. But for some reason I just felt like I had to go for it today. I knew I needed a break, and the cold sprinkles of water somehow made me more energized and ready to go.

I got back to the dorm room after my rainy run, changed back into normal clothes, and went to dinner with my roommate. After dinner I got back to calculus homework and realized that I had a much better outlook on everything than I had just a few hours before. I still had just as much stuff to get done, but I was taking it one thing at a time rather than worrying about all of the things I would have to get done after my current task. This actually got me through what I had to get done faster because I was more positive and wasn’t stressing as much.

So was my positive demeanor due completely to running in the rain? Probably not. But it did allow me to clear my mind, take a break from the crazy of my life, and realize that life would go on despite my one crappy week.

So, moral of the story? Find something that allows you to clear your mind when you feel overwhelmed, it sure did help me.

Or maybe the only thing we learned from this is that Laney likes running in the rain. I’ll leave that interpretation up to you.

Anyway, stay happy bugs! Go for a run in the rain! Clear those minds of the cluttered world around you! All in all, stay positive! Life goes on.

And with that happy note,


Laney-Bug ❤

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