
Ahh, anticipation…. my feelings regarding just about everything right now.

I have had a very eventful week. Is this a bad thing? Not particularly. Is this a good thing? Eh, in some ways. It’s kept me busy and I’ve gotten a lot done, but going going going all the time is a bit draining. And now I’ve reached that point in the week where I am completely drained from everything. Last night I reached the point where I had so much to do that I just didn’t want to do any of it. You know that feeling when you just want to lay on the floor, plug in headphones, listen to the soothing sound of that band that you won’t admit you love, and just lay there forever? Well that was me. At least that’s who I WANTED to be. In reality I just went to swim practice and did homework, like I would any other night. But, back to the point at hand. Not only am I drained from my chaotic week, but I’m also waiting in anticipation for the results of just about everything that happened this week.

First of all, I had a calculus test on Wednesday. This was the calculus test from hell. Not because the test itself was hard, but because it was over 8 sections of material, and many of those sections really should have been split up into even more sections, so basically it was a crap-ton of material. Who even designs these books anyway? I demand to know. I will write a very strongly worded letter to them. Anyway, it was like as soon as I studied one section and felt really good about it, BAM I would be reminded of another section that was included that I had totally forgotten about. We did some of these things 4 weeks ago and haven’t touched them since. And now we have a test over it? What?

Come test day the test seemed pretty simple. A little too simple. I did nothing but study for 2 weeks and now within 40 minutes I’m done? No sweat, blood, and tears? Done just like that?

Well, either I totally overstudied, or I did everything absolutely wrong. It was probably the first one, but for now I wait.

I wait in anticipation of my grade.

Then I had an interview this week. I had an interview to be part of the group on campus that basically gives tours and runs orientations and other assorted things like that. It’s basically a big group of cool people that you could classify as leaders. And, well, that’s me. So I had an interview – a two part interview. The first part, the part that I most want to share with you, was last night – it consisted of a multiple things, but today I’m going to focus on one specific portion.

Well, this portion is the portion in which I had to give a presentation about me and my life, and hopefully convince them that I’m the coolest thing since sliced bread and that having me in their program would make them equally as cool. I had been told that I had 5-10 minutes for this presentation. So, being the planner that I am, I wrote an entire speech made up of Dr.Seuss-style rhymes and drew a bunch of pictures that I then had printed and blown up onto poster board. My plan? To tell them a bunch of witty rhymes about my life while holding up my posters to portray my lovely artistic ability. What actually happened? Well, somehow something was lost in communication, so things didn’t quite go as planned. I in fact did NOT have 5-10 minutes to present, I instead had 3 minutes. So there I was, on the spot, ready for my 8-minute long presentation that I had practiced a countless number of times, and I’m told that I get 3 minutes.

So I ended up just talking briefly about each drawing and how it described me and had to nix the rhymes all together. Overall it went pretty well, but I was a bit frustrated about the change of plans. I worked hard on those rhymes. I want someone important to hear them gosh darn it.

So now I wait in anticipation about whether I got into the program, despite the bumpy start of my presentation when I was flustered and frantically deciding what to do.

And lastly, the anticipation of the weekend. This is a special weekend for me. First of all, as of tomorrow I will be exactly halfway through my first semester of college, which is pretty exciting (and a bit terrifying). But even more exciting is that I get to go back home to Texas for the weekend, where I will get to see my boyfriend and my parents for the first time since the semester started.

You see, my boyfriend’s sister is getting married – and I’m a bridesmaid. So it will be a party-filled weekend. And I’m also not complaining that it gives me a chance to see my boyfriend again after 8 weeks of being apart.

So, here I am, sitting in anticipation. Writing to you, whoever you are, about the things I am awaiting for in life. It seems like we are always waiting for something, doesn’t it? We’re never quite satisfied with what is going on at this exact moment. And then, whatever we are waiting for happens, and we find ourselves waiting all over again. It’s a vicious cycle of life.

Anyway, off to dinner from me. You’ll probably hear from me tomorrow, while I await for my plane at the airport. In anticipation, might I add.


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